Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm still alive/santa wish list

My school semester is nearing the end, and all I can hope is that it lasts as long as possible because honestly, I need the time. I won't even tell you how many projects I have to get done over the next week and a half. I managed to finish a brochure for my mother's yoga studio only due to the fact that she bugged and guilted me until I got it done. It's quite lovely though. Perhaps I'll post it later. Well anyways, I decided to distract myself from the daily grind and attend to my needs. And because its right after Thanksgiving, obviously my needs are of the Christmas gift variety. So, I popped up a fresh InDesign doc and formatted this list and sent it off to my mom. She enjoyed it. I also noted that despite its christmas tree-like appearance, it functions like the food pyramid, meaning the most important thing is at the bottom, and so forth. Though I think I'd prefer Wall-E over the nalgene bottle. Hopefully Santa is nice this year...that external HD is totally necessary seeing as I have about hmmm, 15 gigs left...


Celina said...


Jess said...

Your Christmas list is way cuter than mine.

